Some very key skills can be very valuable when directed towards health and life . What are these skills? Can these skills be developed?


Some very key skills can be very valuable when directed towards health and life . What are these skills? Can these skills be developed?


Creativity,  decision making, awareness of how to use your focused attention -these abilities are at a premium in a rapidly changing and complex world. What if you could call on history’s greatest genius, Leonardo da Vinci, to be your personal mentor in cultivating these highly prized elements. 

The da Vinci principles are:

 Curiosità – An insatiable quest for knowledge and continuous improvement

 Dimostrazione – Learning from experience

 Sensazione – Sharpening the senses

 Sfumato – Managing ambiguity and change

 Arte/Scienza – Whole-brain thinking

 Corporalità – Body-mind fitness

 Connessione – Systems thinking

I think Leonardo would have encouraged you to advance through the Levels of Care !!

 In my 15 years of practicing Network Spinal Analysis , I see these skill sets building  in people everyday. I would love to have an evening discussion on this , if anyone is interested send an email and I will set a date. What an interesting evening it would be.

By the way, which one of these doesn’t come during an entrainment?…

Answer: none, they all come up every entrainment.