How Our Treatments Work
By way of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) and Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) techniques, we guide you through your healing journey.
Through contacts along the neck and lower spine, called Network adjustments or entrainments, we help you move your body from defense towards growth. The spine is given the opportunity to develop new strategies for experiencing and responding to life.
Perception and Stress
Our posture, spinal alignment, and tension patterns all reflect our emotional reactions to our perceived world.
- Are you experiencing pain right now?
- Do you feel blocked from living the life you really want?
- What is your body telling you about these road blocks?
In order to heal something we must first be able to find it. Under NSA chiropractic care, you become aware of spinal tension patterns, vertebral motion and respiration, and even energetic motion through the body. Beyond just awareness, you’ll be able to self-regulate spinal tension and alignment.
We’ll be here every step of the way to develop these points of access, so that you may discover these insights for yourself and share them with us and the NSA/SRI community. We welcome and value your participation and open heart.
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