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How Your Thoughts Shape Your Spine

How Your Thoughts Shape Your Spine

I edited this article from a fellow NSA doc. She has done an excellent job explaining the 5 spinal cord tension patterns. How your mind shapes your spine!! by Dr. Stephanie Bridwell M.S,D.C.     illustrations by Vanessa VerLee It is a well...

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COVID-19 COVID-19 First and foremost , we are a health care facility and we exist to provide a service to enrich your health status. We maintain high standards of hygiene and are now implementing  additional measures to exceed the expectations of a safe haven...

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6 Levels of learning and changing

6 Levels of learning and changing

Experience has its joys.    One of mine in practice is I see the levels of change that are possible. There are six levels at which we can learn and change. The outermost level is the easiest to change, and the innermost level is the most...

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Electrons, galaxies and neurons

Electrons, galaxies and neurons

            Imagine your spine as a repository for your sense of self. Now switch to that is the way it is. The sense of self is who you have conditioned yourself to be so you can live unconsciously. Why? When you first learn to drive a...

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About Us

We are a wellness based Chiropractic Clinic in Port Moody BC, guiding you to create clarity, resourceful energy and passion for living with Network Spinal Analysis and SomatoRespiratory Integration.